THAY Medical at HFES Conference 2022

Picture of the THAY Medical team at the conference

Last week THAY Medical attended the Human Factors Engineering Society’s annual conference on Human Factors within the medical field, which this year took place in New Orleans, Louisiana - USA.

It was four days filled with interesting lectures and workshops as well as long-awaited meetings with our fellow Human Factors enthusiasts, finally face to face. Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by our table to talk to us, it was great to meet everyone and to get some new and interesting insights on the current topics of Human Factors.

If you have any further questions you didn’t manage to ask us during the conference, anything to further discuss or if you did not attend the conference at all and would like to get in touch with questions or discussions, do not hesitate to send us an email on or call us on +44(0)1258 881600 . We are always ready to help you find the best solutions suited to you and your company, we look forward to hearing from you.


Keeping up with THAY Medical


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